Monday, August 20, 2007


This essay must be read with highest sense of non-chalance. Any part taken too seriously may be injurious. The after effects of this may cause extremes of laughter or boredom depending on the reader’s sense of humor.

The human mind is very complex. The adolescent mind though not so complex people perceive it as complex and before you know it is too complicated to understand. To uncomplicate this here is a guide to different kinds of teenagers. The sub categories will make your assessment easier. This is a compilation of characters one is likely to encounter in college life. Whom to befriend whom to leave, it is all here.

1. NODDERS: - They find it difficult to use their mind so their mind so they let the others to do their thinking. Individuality is rare among Nodders. They tend to follow others father, neighbor, friend, animal anyone, no questions asked. Nodders are not a harmful lot because to be harmful has to use brains, which afore said is rare.
Physical Appearance: - Plain dressers, usually picked by others.
Mannerism: - Tends to nod along when others talk. He may risk severe neck problems in future.

2. Freebie Frisbee: - Cheap lot. Beware of this kind they only make your acquaintance for their advantage. They love making life sudden appearances in your life cunningly crafted for their need. They tend to talk to you as ya’l was bff (best friends forever) and after the job is done, they toss you out like a piece of used tissue.
Physical Appearance: - Very charming.
Mannerism: - Speak of you in great when need be.

3. ILLEGALLY BLOND: - They love displaying false image of themselves. This breed is found mostly among girls. They try to project a moral image when their actual instincts are to mow you down. They love being the center of attention. They usually hang out with the most popular people in college.
Physical appearance: - They wear the latest trendy clothes.
Mannerism: - They talk so sweetly that it will give you diabetes.

4. LOVEOHOLICS: - The boring kind. They take an innocent crush to be everlasting love and hang on to it for centuries. They do not believe in asking people out but to declare love pompously. They cannot live without being in love with someone.
Physical Appearance: - Always dressed to impress.
Mannerism: - Buying teddies, chocolates, balloons cards etcetera.

5. ONE-WAY: - Usually has interest in only one subject, be it football, physics, movies or gossip. They can talk about it for hours but switch to any other topic they will be so silent that you will be wondering if he has suddenly gone dumb. His/her knowledge is limited only to his interests.
Physical Appearance: - Dressed as their favorite actor or team.
Mannerism: - Do not care about your interests but bore you with theirs.

6. TOP GUN: - The all rounder. Head of the team. Good looking. Predominantly a HE. Ideal son and student loved by teachers and adored by friends. Happy go lucky kind. This breed is not so rare and of each can be easily found among your gang of friends

Physical appearance: - Tall, dark and handsome.
Mannerism: - Extremely good social behavior.

7. PLAID: - These are like old school. Very orthodox. They have nothing new or interesting to say. They just live their life because they gotta. Questioning any old rule is blasphemous. They’ll grow up to be the 9-5 types. Get married (arranged) at the right time, have children at the right time etc, etc.
The monotony makes you snore.

Physical Appearance: - Plain cotton, starched and pressed.
Mannerism: - So regular that it’s not worth mentioning.


Vinay said...

Okay you have done your research really well. I found myself nodding several times in acceptance.

I liked two parts:
1. Tall dark and Handsome
2. Plain cotton, starched.

Awesome. Funny.

Anonymous said...

Awesome...Very enlightening post and I was thoroughly entertained. Keep up the good work!!!

Grace Smitha said...

Pinky its fabulous,wonderfully scrited.exhibits good observance skill display at a juvenile age,kudos tell me wat category does ur sister belong to?