Saturday, February 2, 2008


Why do strange thoughts dawn after midnight? Is it because you’re alone? A feeling of freedom that you can brood on things that were unsolicited in daylight. Are unguarded emotions your guilty pleasure? Do you feel immoral, prudent, do you question, do you blush and kiss yourself goodnight? Am I going anywhere with this? No, yes, maybe, almost, naaah……. I am not going to write about one thing in particular. I’ll write everything and nothing. Yeah, I am that lame. There will be no explanation, just random questions piled up together. Put together as and how they slip in, quiet and innocent.
Did Murphy dream? He was so happy to put facts as they are. Did he dream? Did he dare? Was he scared? Scared that he can’t explain them? Am I being him? Another one, I know, it will make no sense. Is it supposed to? Don’t you stumble upon thoughts and are just too busy to comprehend them?
Well, is there a beast in us? Will he turn barbaric when let lose? Are rules made to curb us so that we bear each other? Is there sense in that? The beast is pure, all by itself, honest. Are we forcing it in? Are we scared of that face of ours, too difficult to come to terms with the might in us? Too disgusted at what we are capable of? Do we take pleasure in it?
Are things happening to you because of Karma? What goes around comes around? Can’t anything happen by accident? Is the accident planned too? By who? God? stars?, your b’day? Murphy? Am I losing it? Have I lost it? Did I have it? What is ‘it’?
Why do we worry about the future? Why do we make lists? Car? House? Foreign trip? Two children or three? Loose 20 kilos. Why do we feel let down if we don’t get them? Asking question is easy, you say? Answering them is tough. Do I want answers? No. I want them inconclusive. Another night another passing thought. It’s what keeps me up.

1 comment:

Tee-hee said...

This happens to me quite often... thankfully I ain't the only one on the planet then! :D
Well written, kroony!