Thursday, April 16, 2009

English, the language
My wandering mind, like my eye, chanced upon a few peculiarities of the language:
1. You catch a cold and your nose runs.
2. Egalitarianism is not a secret sect founded by Eagles.
3. The answer to everything cannot be summarized by ‘OK’ or ‘no problem’. That’s why conversations like these seem borderline dysfunctional:
A: Good Morning.
B: OK!
A: You don’t get how this works, do you?
B: No problem.
4. Real people should not be addressed as ‘A’ or ‘B’. It’s very impersonal. Try unusual ones like ‘F’ or ‘U’. At least you thought that far into the alphabet.
5. ‘Maiden Over’ does not mean ‘I’m done with the woman’.
6. If a bowler is bowling then why isn’t the batter batting?
7. Words like “actually”, “basically”, “really”, ACTUALLY have no meaning. Think about it.
8. The guy who gave ‘honeycomb’ its name must have had a really sting-y wife.

9. Words like ‘weird’, ‘crap’, ‘uh-huh’, ‘yack’ sum up most of our conversations (and relationship status’ of some) and make lot more sense then most words. We bow to these words.
10. This troubles me “Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water”.
When was the last time you herd about a water body being present up a hill? Only Moses did that and he too needed God's help to do it!
Got an answer to that? Then enlighten me.


Vineetha said...

hey....nice...makes sense!!i knew this stuff but i dont think i really thought so much about 'em

mohit said...

hahaha.... i think u missed the bollywood-fame dialogue... "Talk englis, Walk englis" !!

Tee-hee said...

LOL!! How woman?! How'd you do it?! Really cool!

Anonymous said...

We catch cold from others...

and nose runs.. rmr mucous.. whic trickles down. lol...

and even jack and jil...

theres a revised version :

Jack and jil..went up the hil..

to fetch a pale of water..

god knows what they did over there..

they came down with their ddaughter..

wel..that explains.. ;)


Vineetha said...

okay...i just realized that the picture that you put there applies to you too...check the spelling of the word 'heard' in the last line.sorry