Thursday, October 4, 2007

Jus read the damn thing

Ok so wat can possibly happen that im finally adding posts? well as usual NOTHING. Im so bored in life that I can count how many mosquitoes bit me( 46?). So I have exams coming up in like 2 weeks and being the same loyal person when it comes to studies I am totally unprepared. Nor will i burn the midnight oil or sweat it out in the hols.. plain ol' karuna, I tell myself. People were kinda bummed about the stuff i rote in the earlier post..." GOD! so much of research went into your blog?".... People wake up and listen to the common sense with a bugle to get into ur brains.. Those were people who one can chance upon every other day. Hey came across this qoute...
"More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones." - Truman Capote. says . Found it .. profound. I love it when people play with words and say the most brlliant things in short sentences. Thats why one of my interests is stand up comedy. To be clever and quick witted is truly a gift. One does not always have to put someone and make fun... but swear to calvin and hobbes I absolutely love insult comedy. Shows the resistence one has and helps to look take things in a lighter note.... Try and watch the movie Punchline. It is about the house wife with 3 kids and stand up makes her vent the monotony in her life. People like Jay Leno and the guys in whos line is it anyway serioulsy make you laugh aloud... stop me.. why in the name of sweet moses am i writing an essay on stand up... watch it if ur interested... hope u have a dream/ nightmare of ur sweetheart.. so long..


Vineetha said...

i await eagerly for your next post....this one was nice though

Vineetha said...

nee next post edi??wait chestuna...oh and by the way are there any ill feelings between you and the punctuation marks??