Friday, July 25, 2008


Ok, I know and don’t lie, we all spy. It’s universal. We spy on people gossiping or who are talking about us just to get that little nuggets of information. I described previously how weird my neighbors are. The one I’m dealing here is 3-4 years older to me. He lives right across the street. He’s a serious gardener and is always taking care of the plants. I get a full view of his gardening skills from my kitchen window. So today as usual I was making some tea and looking across the street to find the faithful gardener. Suddenly his cell starts ringing and he picks it up and he is all smiles. He forgets all about his beautiful plants and is leaning on the gate and khus pussing on his phone and occasionally and tugging at the gate smiling shyly . I could think of one explanation- the gardener found his match! I continue spying and the forget about the tea. After attending to it I look up. He was gone!. I look left, right center up and down the street nowhere..Them I saw something..a face. It was him- looking at me from behind the parapet. Shit! He caught me spying on him. He counter spyed! I immediately ducked and cursed a million times, I was caught doing the thing girls are expert at after shopping and talking. I was caught spying!


rosh said...

Hahaha!! gud stuff,krooni! really funny!! kudos! :)

Anonymous said...

Was bored and spotted ur blog...
Very entertaining..keep up the good work!!!

Tee-hee said...

Kroony!! lmao! how d'you manage it, man?!!

Anonymous said...

lol... lol... nice one!! ;)